Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Eiriash's past

My name is Eiriash Dryearanea, meaning sharp bow of the champions of the night, in Elvish. I was born in the great forest of Cormanthor as part of a smell clan,whose name i have long since forgotten. When i was just a small boy the Dryearanea attacked my clan and killed all but a few of us, the ones they spared like me were pressed into service first as slaves, and then some of us were trained in the ways of their rouges.

Two years ago i was travelling with my brothers from the Dryearanea and we stumbled upon a small clan in the woods, much like the one i remember from my early years. The other members of the Dryearanea, as ruthless as the ones that attacked my clan,saw it as a chance to freely restock, pillage and plunder, take slaves and strip the poor forest clan bare. i could not stand the sight before me as men and boys as young as i was were killed or captured. I did not stand by my brothers that night, i killed the guard of their so called 'prisoners' and helped free the captives from the Dryearanea. I took arms and stood with the clan until the last brother was gone, killed or ran.

I have spent the last two years hunting the rest of the dark clan of the Dryearanea, to try and put a stop to their reign of terror helping as many of the small Elven clans along the way as i can. i keep the dark clans name to remind myself what i am fighting against and in the hope no other young elves will be taken from their homes and families as i was.

1 comment:

  1. They say set a thief to catch a thief, perhaps you could aid me catch a bandit by teh name of Iron tooth...


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